Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a woman perched precariously atop a balloon-suspended, rocket-propelled tortoise? Erm, well yes actually, it is...And if you pick up issue 61 of Advanced Photoshop Magazine you'll find our most recent tutorial on how to colour this image yourself, with some free custom brushes and the image lines to start you off.Enjoy! :)
At long, long last we have finally opened the Cool Surface Shop, where you can purchase your very own Cool Surface prints. Hooray!We've started off with a small selection of limited supply prints, so you'll need to move quickly. And keep checking back, as we will be changing the prints that are available from time to time! So go to now to see what we have on offer at the moment...
Or, if there's an image of ours that you'd love to own that isn't available at the shop, just let us know and we'll see what we can do!
It's both busy and exciting here at Cool Surface Towers, with several interesting projects on the go...Unfortunately we aren't allowed to show you any of it! Well, not yet at least. So in the mean time, here's a reference study that David did in his spare time using Painter X.Now, back to top secret Cool Surface activities...