Another recent warm up sketch, created in Painter X and drawn from reference using an image from the superb photographer Marcus Ranum.
Have fun!Sarah and David
This is my redesign of Rom for the upcoming charity tribute book for comic book writer Bill Mantlo. Here's a bit more info about Bill Mantlo from Wikipedia:"On July 17, 1992, Mantlo was struck by a car while rollerblading. (The driver of the car fled the scene and has never been identified.) Not wearing a helmet at the time, Mantlo suffered severe head trauma and spent over two weeks in a coma. He has since been institutionalized, and is not expected to fully recover.[9] Mantlo now resides in the Queens Nassau Rehabilitation & Nursing Center,[10] where he must have 24-hour assistance. His care has long since used up his health insurance. In 2007, cartoonist David Yurkovich released the benefit book Mantlo: A Life in Comics, with all proceeds from the book donated to Mantlo's brother and caregiver, Michael Mantlo, to help toward the costs of maintaining Mantlo's care. In addition, Floating World Comics sponsored Spacenight: A Tribute to Bill Mantlo, an art show made (almost) entirely of various artists' interpretations of ROM, to help raise funds for Mantlo's care."You can see more artists renditions of ROM at the SpaceNite 2 blogHave fun,David
Unless we're on a deadline day, I normally try to make a warm-up image before work starts. I'll vary what I'm getting from the warm up; sometimes it will be some quick pose sketches, sometimes concepts and occasionally it will be a ref study. Here I've once again been inspired by a photo from a good friend of Cool Surface; Marcus Ranum and the amazingly versatile Mosh.
Unlike our previous work for Digital Arts that featured Mosh, I wasn't going for an exact likeness, this was more just for the fun of painting.A shout out also goes to Caleb Kimbrough who runs the excellent Lost and Taken a great royalty free texture resource for supplying the wallpaper for the background. Thanks Caleb!
Have fun,