Monday, September 24, 2012

Star Wars Underworld - illustrations for SciFiNow Magazine

Star Wars Underworld would focus on the Bounty Hunters
Issue 70 SciFiNow Magazine features an article focusing on what could's likely to happen in the upcoming Star Wars live-action TV series: Star Wars Underworld. 

The series is set after the prequel trilogy and before the classic trilogy and focuses on the dark and seedy underworld of the Star Wars universe. It was great fun illustrating what some of the possible plot-lines could focus on!
  You can see more about SciFiNow on their website and follow SciFiNow on Twitter

Have fun,

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Playr 3: The world's best webcomic based on Parenting and Gaming brought to you by the award-winning David and Sarah Cousens! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Advanced Photoshop issue 100

'Vintage' illustration by David Cousens
Way back in 2006, Advanced Photoshop magazine featured the first ever internationally published appearance of a then unheard-of (yet still very handsome) illustrator  David Cousens. (If you dig through the archives of this blog you can still see the original post where I was awarded 'Best in show' in issue #23 of AP's Peer Pressure section). 

The editor of Advanced Photoshop at the time, Emma Cake (now Emma Davenport founder of Big Bouquet photography) took a liking to my work and commissioned me to produce and my first ever illustration tutorial in the following issue, cementing a long working relationship with Advanced Photoshop that goes on through to this day. 

To celebrate its 100th issue, Advanced Photoshop has commissioned some of its favourite artists that the magazine has featured over the years and I was honoured to be asked to provide this Vintage inspired illustration.  Thanks to Emma Davenport, Julie Bassett and Adam Smith for all of the support over the years.

Advanced Photoshop issue 100 is available to buy in the UK now and you can also follow them on twitter.
Have fun,

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Playr 3: The world's best new webcomic based on Parenting and Gaming brought to you by the award-winning David and Sarah Cousens!