Monday, January 05, 2009

"Dark" Advanced Photoshop Tutorial

If you happen to pick up a copy of Advanced Photoshop Magazine this month you'll find our in depth tutorial on creating depth in a 2D image, and you can have a go at colouring the image opposite. We've created several Photoshop tutorials over the past few years, and we always like to see what other artists' versions of our artwork turn out like. So if you've had a go at the "Dark" tutorial and wish to share your work, head to the Advanced Photoshop forum and post your artwork here. We've provided the lines there, in case you don't have a copy of the magazine (aren't we thoughtful!). We'll be keeping a close eye, and are always happy to give feedback, so get colouring!



  1. Looking good buddy!
    I'd like to see a little more edge variety in your work. Think a bit like Joshua Middleton, hard edge where it needs to be and soft where forms turn.

  2. Hey Tom :)

    It's funny you should say that, I was actually tempted to put that sort of effect on this, but wasn't too sure. Now you've helped convince me, so I'll be sure to try that soon. Thanks for stopping by, it's always great to hear from you!

  3. Anonymous5:33 pm

    Hey I gave the dark lines a try and posted on the form in advance photoshop forum let me know what you think It was pretty good to try and I learned a lot from this.
