Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Comic concept sketches

Concept sketches for a comic book proposal written by a good friend of ours. Unfortunately, other than telling you this character's first name, that's literally all we can say about this for now as it's far too early to start spilling any beans just yet!

Have fun,


Ste said...

Sounds very intriguing Dave! You've got your style down to a tee now; I would know that style anywhere! Did you do this on the hallowed Cintiq? (you lucky devil!)

David Cousens said...

Thanks Ste! Yep, pretty much everything I do is straight on the Cintiq these days. It paid for itself, it sped up the work I was doing loads. It's great, if you can afford it, do it. And possibly even if you can't...

Hey, are you on Twitter? I didn't get it at first, but it's great for networking! Come follow me on http://twitter.com/DavidCousens