Monday, July 05, 2010

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - an art tutorial for PSDFan

When we were asked to write another tutorial for PSDFan we wanted to have another go at a video game character after the success of our previous Legend of Zelda inspired tutorial "Broken Link".  As some of you will know, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Special Edition is out at the end of this week so I made an illustration to celebrate the game because I'm reaaaally looking forward to it (and I'm hoping somebody will take pity on me and send me one of thise lovely Guybrush Threepwood voodoo dolls they were giving away at E3).

To see the full tutorial head to PSDFan now.

Have fun,


Tom Scholes said...
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Unknown said...

AMAZING! YAYY! The artwork style it's fantastic! YARR! :D
I've followed your tutorial, it's marvellous :)
Could you post a better quality of it? I want a poster!
Check out my videos, I'm italian and a future voice-actor (I hope), I'm dubbing the "I Wonder What Happens In Tales of Monkey Island" episodes, do you know them?
Thanks for this stunning art! :D

David Cousens said...

Tom: Thanks man, how are things? It's been far too long since we've talked!

Mystinsun: Glad you like it, if you go to my website you can download the high quality version of this image (and "Broken Link" too)

I'll have a look at your videos as soon as I finish playing "Tales of Monkey Island" (Sarah got me the limited special edition box set for my birthday last week) Thanks for letting me know about them.
Thanks for the comment